Named “Trials of the Dragon King”, we learned back in June that the new content will include new jobs, weapons, accessories, and a new category of equipment, as well as new areas, stories, and challenges, too. But enough of that; you’re not hear to learn about which new hats you can equip, and how stupid you can make Jack and co. look with all the new loot. No, you’re here to learn more about The Warrior of Light and Bahamut – two new bosses that you’ll have to best in order to move forward in Jack’s dangerous (but quite smart) plan. The Warrior of Light – the protagonist of the first game is rocking – has come to defeat Jack, in an encounter that you’d have no doubt played a version of if you’ve ever played the game that started it all off. Plus, the eponymous Dragon King itself – the imposing Bahamut – is willing to lend its power. But only if you can defeat it. Bahamut has sweepers, ranged blasts, devastating melee hits, and more. Expect Mega Flare to do you in, in one go, too. Can’t wait to try it. If you listen carefully, you can hear the Ship Theme from Final Fantasy at the start of the trailer, then the Matoya’s Cave theme at the end, too. Lovely throwbacks. Elsewhere in the DLC, we’ve learned that you’ll be able to the equip the Pilgrim, Evoker and Summoner jobs, and that, staves have been added as a new weapon type. As a bonus, there’s a brand new difficulty, too: in the expansion, players can engage in a new difficulty level called, fittingly, Bahamut. You’ll need to complete the main game to play at this level. We also have “Wanderer of the Rift” and “Different Future” expansion packs in the works. I’d put money on the former being related to Gilgamesh in some way. Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin is available now for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC via Epic Games Store, and the DLC will launch on all platforms July 20.