The tools offered in Dreams continue to inspire players to create. As with Media Molecule’s Little Big Planet before it, players are racing to recreate their favourite games within Dreams. Fallout 4 is the latest such adventure, which has been painstakingly recreated in Dreams by Robo_Killer_v2. This obviously isn’t the entire game, rather the first area you visit, as well as the main menu and general look and feel. The most impressive thing about this project is its attention to detail. It mirrors all the aesthetics of the original, from the the Pip Boy interface to the look of the weapons and even the texture of the world itself. Here it is in action via Twitter user @bjk394. You can also play it yourself if you own Dreams. Simply look for Fallout 4: Dreams Edition (WIP). To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — Ben (@bjk394) February 16, 2020