Apex Legends’ fourth season has kicked off with several changes to the World’s Edge map and, of course, new Legend Revenant. In a Reddit post detailing all changes in this patch, Respawn also touched on the ongoing drama over skill-based matchmaking. Towards the end of last year, more and more players began complaining about coming up against tougher-than-usual opponents in casual, after doing well in previous games. This lead many to assume that skill-based matchmaking had been introduced to Apex Legends, which sparked a bit of a controversy for the game, with more and more players demanding it be limited only to ranked mode.

Respawn always maintained that skill-based matchmaking benefits most players, and has been a factor since Season Two. In today’s update, the developer once again reiterated that the feature has always been there, though it has made a few adjustments with the start of Season Four. “With this patch we’ll be pushing out changes globally to matchmaking that we’ve been testing in specific regions,” the Respawn wrote. “We’re well aware that this has been a contentious topic among players and there’s been some misinformation out there so just to be clear: skill-based matchmaking has existed in Apex [Legends] since launch and we’ll be continuing to improve it over time.” While this statement may not satisfy everyone, we’ll only see if the effect of skill-based matchmaking has been lessened in the days and weeks to come as more players share their experience.