In the wake of yesterday’s launch of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered, and subsequent disappointment for the many who don’t play on PS4, Activision has explained why the package doesn’t include Spec Ops or multiplayer. In a blog post, the publisher said there was a desire not to split the multiplayer community over yet another game. Modern Warfare, of course, continues to have its own active multiplayer, which now has to share the spotlight with free-to-play Warzone. Adding a third game on top wouldn’t have much sense. What you’re going to see instead are more remakes of classic maps making their way into Modern Warfare’s multiplayer. We’ve obviously already seen this with Rust, Shipment etc., with even more rumoured for Season 3. In fact, the vast majority of post-launch maps for Modern Warfare multiplayer have all been remakes, and this will continue. Activision wasn’t specific on what has and hasn’t made the cut, of course, only that you should expect more of them. For now, you’ll just have to enjoy the campaign’s remastered visuals and sounds - unless you don’t own a PS4, of course. In which case, you’ll get this opportunity beginning April 30.